Dusky Electronics Mandorla Colored Boost Effect Pedal
This is the Mandorla Colored Boost pedal from Dusky Electronics. The Mandorla is inspired by the vintage treble boost pedals from the 1960’s, with some modern twists added in. The MOSFET gain stage at the heart of the Mandorla is set up to take full advantage of the delicious non-linearity inherent to MOSFETS for gobs of even order harmonic distortion without clipping to produce a sound not unlike old tweed-era tube amps—clean, but colored. The Meat knob controls the low end content from the pedal. With this knob all the way down, the voicing is very similar to vintage treble boosters of time immemorial. With the knob all the way up, the Mandorla is a full range booster with tons of low end available. At intermediate settings you can dial in or out just the amount of bass you need to sit in the mix with your bandmates.