EVH D-Tuna Drop D Guitar Tuning System
The EVH D-Tuna is a unique patented device that enables players to drop the E to D and back, in an instant. D-Tuna has been standard equipment on Eddie Van Halen’s personal guitars.
To install you remove the string locking screw from the low E-saddle on the bridge and replace it with one of the two D-Tuna locking screws, the spring assembly and the D-Tuna.
The D-Tuna was designed to adapt to a double-locking tremolo, such as a Floyd Rose or Floyd Rose-licensed version fine tuner tremolo.
Each D-Tuna kit contains:
* 1 EVH D-Tuna Unit
* 2 String lock screws
* 1 Spring
* 1 Fine tuning Allen wrench