Used Louis Electric Amplifiers HD12 Combo Guitar Amplifier
A hybrid design of two classic 1950�s amplifiers; the Louis Electric HD12 takes the best of both the Tweed Deluxe and the Harvard, both sought after for their simplicity as well as clarity and tone. Louis Electric designed the HD12 to make it an excellent amp for both recording or gigs, considering its 18 watt output and 12� speaker.
The HD12 has a top mounted design featuring three specific knobs: Bright Volume, Normal Volume, & Tone. There are 4 inputs, two high and two low. The 5F10 Harvard had a single 6AT6 input tube. The Louis Electric HD12 incorporates the 12AX7 along with the 6AT6 as an additional input. This provides the player with two distinct sounds from the amplifier. Slightly increased gain in addition to the traditional sound.